Which of these rocks would be good for:
- Making a statue?
- Building a dam?
- Making a fireplace?
- Solid foundations?
Which of the rocks would be best for:
- Storing water within it?
- Storing oil or gas within it?
- Showing that sedimentary rocks are made of lots of fragments?
- Showing that igneous rocks have interlocking crystals?
- Showing that metamorphic rocks often have aligned minerals?
- Showing that some rocks contain traces of past life?
Which rocks (2 or more) would best show:
- Sedimentary rocks ranging from coarse to fine?
- The difference between igneous rocks that formed by slow cooling and fast-cooled igneous rocks?
- Metamorphic rocks that don’t have aligned minerals?
- The metamorphic rocks that show a sequence of increasing metamorphism from an initial mudstone sedimentary rock?
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