EGU workshop tour in Murcia, SE Spain Earth science outdoors, Lorca |
Cross-cutting relationships, Cartagena |
Slinky seismic waves demo, Cartagena |
EGU workshop St Mary’s University, UK Freeze-thaw weathering |
Weathering limestone |
Quake shake |
EGU workshop Manchester University, UK Differential_erosion |
Rock cycle in wax |
Modelling tsunamis waves |
EGU workshop Geological Society Publishing House, UK Journey to the centre of the Earth on a toilet roll |
P and S waves . . ready, steady . . |
P and S waves . . Go! |
EGU workshop, organised by ANISN, Naples, Italy Modelling magnetic Earth . . . |
. . . with a stress ball, needle & thread |
Volcano in the lab |
EGU workshop, Valadares, Vila Nova de Gaia, Portugal Scary scorpions |
Toilet roll of time |
Washing line of time |