ELI publishes Earth-related teaching ideas, designed to be practical resources for teachers and teacher-trainers. These are publicised on our blog site at earthlearningidea.blogspot.com.
- We publish a new activity every two weeks.
- Each activity is designed to create pupil participation for maximum learning.
- Most activities require minimal cost and equipment. New ELI+ activities may require some basic school laboratory equipment.
- Best of all, they are fun!
Earthlearningidea Aims and Objectives
Backgrounds of the Earthlearningidea Team
Since a number of the people who use our Earthlearningidea website have asked for more details of the team members, they are (reluctantly) given below.
The initial inspiration came from Professor Chris King, who sadly died on 17th February 2022. We shall retain his credentials here, so that you can see what a wealth of experience he had and how devoted he was to geoscience education, both at home and across the world.
Chris King:
- degree in geology at Bristol University
- worked as a diamond prospector for De Beers in southern Africa and Australia for five years
- MSc in sedimentology at Reading University and a teaching certificate (PGCE) at Keele University.
- taught geology, geography and science at a state school for 19 years
- lecturer in geology and science education at Keele University for 15 years
- Emeritus Professor of Earth Science Education, Keele University
- Director of the Earth Science Education Unit (ESEU), 1999 - 2016, providing professional development workshops to teachers and trainee teachers across the UK
- Vice-Chair of the International Union of Geological Sciences Commission on Geoscience Education (IUGSCOGE), a member of the Council of the International Geoscience Education Organisation (IGEO) and past Chair and member of the Council of the Earth Science Teachers’ Association in the UK (ESTA).
- Chair of Committee on Education for EGU (European Geosciences Union)
- 2019, being Chair of the Committee of Education of EGU and Vice-Chair of IUGS, the Field Officers (FO) programme was launched in Vienna. Four EGU Field Officers (France, Italy, Portugal and Spain) and two IUGS Field Officers (Morocco and India) were trained. In 2020 there were Field Officers from Turkey, Hungary, Germany, Albania, Finland and Romania (EGU) and South India, Togo, Burkina Faso, Iran, Malaysia, Indonesia, Peru and Chile (IUGS). More are planned.
- degree in geology at University College, University of London and an MSc in applied geophysics at Durham University
- worked with the British Antarctic Survey as a field geophysicist for 5 years, during part of which he overwintered in Antarctica
- teaching certificate (PGCE) at Birmingham University
- taught for 5 years in one state school and 29 years at a second state school - geology, other sciences and geography
- founder member of the Earth Science Teachers’ Association (ESTA) (originally the Association of Teachers of Geology)
- founded the Earth Science Education Unit (ESEU) with Chris King - secondary facilitator
- former Vice-President of the Yorkshire Geological Society and a voluntary tutor with the Ecton Hill Field Studies Association where he leads geological courses and mine visits
- degree in geography and geology and AKC in theology at King’s College, University of London
- taught a variety of subjects, (Geology, Biology, Geography, English Language, Business Studies, Religious Studies) in secondary schools and technical colleges interspersed with joining village organisations
- 19 years teaching Science (Geology, with some Physics and Biology), Geography and ICT at an independent secondary school
- 8 years Earth Science lecturer, Department of Education, University of Bath
- member of the Earth Science Teachers’ Association (ESTA), former member of the Teachers’ Panel for Oxford Sparks
- secondary and primary facilitator for the Earth Science Education Unit (ESEU)
- designed and built Box Rock Circus, Wiltshire.
- former Chair person and Secretary of Bath Geological Society
and former Chair person of Wiltshire Geology Group
- manages and writes various websites and blogs including Box Rock Circus, Earthlearningidea blog
- writes Earthcaches e.g. Box Rock Circus Earthcache
- gives local geological talks and leads fields trips for various groups and organisations.
- degree in geology/geography, PGCE, University of London
- Geology Master/Head of Middle School at St Bede’s College Manchester (37 years) teaching a variety of subjects, (Geology, Geography, Physics, General Science and Careers)
- Geology Tutor at Aquinas College, Stockport (4 years part time)
- Chief Examiner/Principal Examiner (1994 - 2022) and currently Chair of Examiners for Geology A/AS level.
- Fellow/Council member of the Geological Society of London - former Chair of the Geolsoc Education Committee
- Member, and former Chair, of the Earth Science Teachers’ Association (ESTA)
- Geoscience Field Officer for UK for EGU (European Geosciences Union)
- Tutor and current director of ESTA-EGU Geoscience Summer School (professional CPD training for geology teachers)
- Stem Ambassador - geological curricular related talks (Primary, Secondary, Teachers)
- EarthCache Master (Platinum Level) - published in UK, Singapore and Australia