Teaching strategies
ELI home
Children's Fun Sessions for use on science days or in museums
ELI Early years
Rock Cycle
Evolution of Life
Get rich quick
Natural hazards
Continental drift
Earth in space
Geological time - visualising deep time
Oceans and seas
Out and about
Now let’s eat it!
Festive quiz
ELI Early years
Found in the ground: sorted!
Make your own rock
Fossil or not?
Dig up the dinosaur
Fossilise! - fossil game
Make your own soil
Changing state - transforming water
Watery world game
Gold prospectors
Pirates and buried treasure
Scary scorpions
Sensory treasure hunt
Rock Explorers
Rock builder
bricks and sedimentary processes
Recreating the rocks
What colour was the world in the past?
‘A World in a grain of sand’
Quake shake - will my home collapse?
Shaken but not stirred?
Earthquake prediction - when will the earthquake strike?
Surviving an earthquake
Tsunami - what controls the speed of the wave?
An earthquake in your classroom
Modelling earthquake wave amplification
Earthquakes in art
Blow up your own volcano!
Party time for volcanoes!
Take a ‘Chance’ on the volcano erupting
The balloon goes up at Krakatoa
See how they run
Volcano in the lab
Tsunami - what controls the speed of the wave?
Best classroom eruption?
Found in the ground: sorted!
Make your own rock
‘Rockery 1’ - rock game
What was it like to be there - in the rocky world?
Rock Explorers ELI Early years)
Design your own rocky play-park
From river sediment to stripy rocks
Rock grain cut out
Recreating the rocks
How do sedimentary beds form?
Make your own cross-bedding
Make your own sedimentary structures
Playground continents
Rock cycle
‘Rockery 2’ - rock cycle game
The rock cycle in wax
Rock cycle at your fingertips
Cracking apart - physical weathering
Freeze-thaw - physical weathering
Rock, rattle and roll
Rolling, hopping, floating and invisibly moving along
Mighty river in a small gutter
Investigating small-scale sedimentary processes AND modelling mighty rivers
Changing coastlines
Dust bowl
Grinding and gouging
Why does soil get washed away?
Sand ripple marks in a tank
Sand ripple marks in a washbowl
Metamorphism - that’s Greek for ‘change of shape’ isn’t it?
Squeezed out of shape
Deformed trilobites
Blow up your own volcano
‘Crystallisation’ in a pudding dish
See how they run
Unfair ‘build your own crystal’race
Volcano in the lab
Banana benders
Himalayas in 30 seconds
Valley in 30 seconds - pulling rocks apart
Margarine mountain-building
bricks and sedimentary processes
Make your own soil
Soil doughnuts
Soil water shake test
Soil layers puzzle
Permeability of soils - ‘The great soil race’
Why does soil get washed away?
Darwin’s ‘big soil idea’
Questions for any rock face 3: soil
Is there life in this soil sample?
Where on Earth is no soil found?
Evolution of Life
Time-line in your own backyard
Toilet roll of time
Fifty million years into the future
How many Beany Beetles? - the evolution game
Fossil or not?
Fossilise! - fossil game (ELI Early years)
What was it like to be there? - bringing a fossil to life
Meeting of the dinosaurs - 100 million years ago
Dinosaur in the yard
How to weigh a dinosaur
Let’s weigh that dinosaur!
Dig up the dinosaur
Scary scorpions
Sea shell survival
Trace fossils - burrows or borings
Shell shake - survival of the toughest
Ammonites: the ups and downs
Get rich quick
Riches in the river
Natural hazards
ELI Natural Hazards category
Mineral or not?
Be a mineral expert 3 - the mineral foundations of everyday life
What is it made of?
Continental drift
Continental jigsaw puzzle
Wandering continents
Earth in space + festive quiz
Craters on the Moon
Playground planets
Geological time - visualising deep time
Counting to one million?
How many for a million?
Toilet roll of time
Oceans and seas
Fishing game - beware of overfishing
Lost at sea - the amazing journeys of rubber ducks around the world
Measuring the depths of seas and oceans: How is it done?
Modelling sea-floor mapping (with Lego
Making waves: a storm in a teacup?
Out and about
Fieldwork safety
Earth science out of doors
Will my gravestone last?
Rock around school (investigating building materials)
Fieldwork: Applying ‘the present is the key to the past’
Fieldwork: Interactive re-creation
Now and then
The view from the site
Questions for any rock face - planning for fieldwork
Questions for any rock face 1: weathering
Questions for any rock face 2: erosion
Questions for any rock face 3: soil
Questions for any rock face 4: rock group (sedimentary or igneous)
Questions for any rock face 5: sedimentary grains
Questions for any rock face 6: fossils
Questions for any rock face 7: tilted or folded rocks
Questions for any rock face 8: faults
Questions for any rock face 9: metamorphic rock
Questions for any rock face 10: sequencing geological events
Questions for any rock face 11: tectonic plates
Questions for any rock face 12: potential of the quarry or cutting
Questions for any rock face 13: quarry economics
Questions for any rock face 14: recording geological data
Building stones 1 - general resource
Urban fieldwork
View to the future - and the past
Now let’s eat it!
Boring chocolate!
Does my rock hold water; will water flow through it?
Eat the chocolate not the lego!
Swiss roll surgery
Modelling earthquake wave amplification
Folds and faults with puff pastry and chocolate
Cross-curricular (Arts and Science)
Geo-art: paintings to sculptures inspired by all things ‘geo’
Geo-literature: poems and stories inspired by all things ‘geo’
Geo-music - music inspired by all things ‘geo’
Earthquakes in art
Back in time
Rocks music
The following activities introduce
which gives you free UK geology maps. Also, if you have the apps igeology or igeology3D, the maps can be accessed from anywhere where you have a signal
1 - igneous intrusions and lava
2 - tilted and folded rocks
Festive Quiz
Bauble quiz - festive fun for everyone!