Keywords - alphabetical | Name of Activity |
A |
Absolute dating |
1. Working out the age of the Earth - moving backwards as time moved forwards
2. Radioactive dating Video
Acid test for minerals | Mineral expert - 2 Teaching video |
Adaptations to environment | 1. Fifty million years into the future Box School animals 2. Sea shell survival Teaching video 3. How many Beany Beetles? - the evolution game |
Age of the Earth | Geological time (ELI category)
Agriculture - adaptation to climate change | Adaptation of agriculture |
Aggregate | Roadstone - which rock? |
Airey isostasy hypothesis | Isostasy 1 (ELI+) Teaching video |
Ammonite |
1. Who ate the ammonite? Extension
2. Ammonites: the ups and downs
Anning, Mary | Mary Anning - Mother of Palaeontology Teaching video |
Anthropocene | Geological time and the Anthropocene? |
Anticline - antiform |
1. Banana benders Video
2. Swiss roll surgery
3. Right way up or upside down? - modelling anti- and synforms by hand
4. Visualising plunging folds - with your hands and a piece of paper
5. Picturing tectonic structures - folding
6. Folds and faults with puff pastry and chocolate
Aquifer |
Make your own aquifer - 1 with sponges Teaching video
Make your own aquifer - 2 The London Basin Teaching video
Art |
1. Geo-art: paintings to sculptures inspired by all things ‘geo’
2. Earthquakes in art
Asteroid | Natural hazards in your area? |
Asthenosphere | Journey to the centre of the Earth - on a toilet roll Teaching video
Astronomy | Astronomical umbrella |
Atlantic Ocean - opening | Continental split - the opening of the Atlantic Ocean Video |
Atmosphere; one of Earth’s four interacting spheres | What am I made of? (ELI+) |
Atmosphere - evolution | Earth’s atmosphere - step by step evolution (ELI+) |
Atmosphere and ocean - investigating fluid movement | 1. High flow, low flow? - atmosphere and ocean in a tank Extension Teaching video
2. Atmosphere and ocean in a lunchbox
3. Rubber ducks at sea
Atoms |
1. ‘Tag’ a carbon atom - and explore the carbon cycle
2. ‘Tagging’ nitrogen atoms - and explore the nitrogen cycle
Atomic lattices - crystal growth |
1. Unfair ’build your own crystal’ race (ELI+)
2. ’Crystallisation’ in a pudding dish Teaching video
3. Building silicates (crystal size in magma &
in recrystallisation in solid rock)
Avalanche |
1. High flow, low flow? - atmosphere and ocean in a tank Extension Teaching video
2. Atmosphere and ocean in a lunchbox
B |
Batteries | Advances in battery technology |
Bedding |
1. Fieldwork: Interactive re-creation
2. Catastrophic processes - beds
3. How do sedimentary beds form?
4. Wriggling toes on ancient bedding planes
Biodiversity | Continents versus biodiversity (ELI+) |
Biofuels |
1. Biofuels
2. Which power source? - solving the crisis in Kiama (ELI+) Extension
Biosphere; one of Earth’s four interacting spheres | What am I made of? (ELI+) |
Bivalves - adaptations to habitats | Sea shell survival Teaching video |
Black smokers | Interactive hydrothermal mineralisation (ELI+) |
Bog bodies | Bog bodies |
Boreholes |
1. Boring chocolate!
2. Correlation between boreholes
Borings - trace fossils | Trace fossils - burrows or borings Teaching video |
Bowen's Reaction Series |
Partial melting model and real rock (ELI+)
Brine | Why is the Dead Sea dead? |
Building insulation (‘net zero’ emissions target) | Building insulation |
Building materials | Rock around your school (investigating building materials) Teaching video (ELI Early years) |
Building stones - resource | Building stones 1 |
Building stones - igneous rocks | Building stones 2 - igneous |
Building stones - metamorphic rocks | Building stones 4 - metamorphic |
Building stones - sedimentary rocks | Building stones 3 - sedimentary |
Buildings and earthquakes |
1. Shaken but not stirred? Teaching video
2. Modelling earthquake wave amplification Video
Burgess Shale, Canada | Curious creatures Video (Cambrian explosion song) |
Burrows - trace fossils | Trace fossils - burrows or borings Teaching video |
C |
Calcium carbonate | Calcium carbonate misconceptions |
Caldera | Collapsing volcanoes - cauldron subsidence (ELI+) |
Cambrian explosion of life | Curious creatures Video (Cambrian explosion song) |
Carbon atom | ‘Tag’ a carbon atom - and explore the carbon cycle |
Carbon capture | Capturing carbon? |
Carbon cycle - making your own | Carbon goes round and round and round |
Carbon dioxide in the atmosphere | Earth’s atmosphere - step by step evolution (ELI+) |
Carbon ’thought experiments’ | 1. ‘Tag’ a carbon atom - and explore the carbon cycle 2. Space survival: how could we survive a year in a dome? |
Carbon cycle through the window ’thought experiment’ | Carbon cycle through the window |
Carnivore/herbivore relationships | Who ate the ammonite? Extension |
Catastrophic processes |
1. Catastrophic processes - beds
2. Catastrophic natural processes
Cauldron subsidence | Collapsing volcanoes - cauldron subsidence (ELI+) |
Cementation | Make your own rock Extension Teaching video |
Chalk |
1. Geological postcards 1 - granite and chalk Teaching video ‘Global’ postcards extension
2. Calcium carbonate misconceptions |
Changing state - water | Water - changing state Teaching video |
Chemistry; a comparison between the human body and the rest of the Earth | What am I made of? (ELI+) |
Classification - introduction |
1. Found in the ground (ELI Early years) Teaching video
2. Pirates and buried treasure (ELI Early years) Teaching video
3. Rock Explorer (ELI Early years) Teaching video
Clay - investigating shrinkage | Testing rocks 3 - that shrinking feeling |
Clay - testing the plasticity | Testing rocks 2 - ’Splat!’ |
Cleavage in minerals | Mineral expert - 1 Teaching video |
Climate change
Also 'net zero' series below |
1. Oxygen isotope sweet simulation (ELI+)
2. Interpret Earth temperatures from simulated deep-sea and ice cores (ELI+)
3. Oxygen thermometers (ELI+)
4. Ice core evidence for climate change (ELI+)
5. Back in time
6. Modelling tipping points – by hands
7. Measuring climate change
8. Greenhouse effect
9. Greenhouse effect in a bottle
10. Melting ice and sea level change 1 - sea ice melts Teaching video
11. Melting ice and sea level change 2 - ice caps melt Teaching video
12. Sea level in a plastic cup
13. Ocean acidification - The other CO2 problem
Climate change: ‘net zero’ emissions target |
1.How will the ‘net-zero’ target affect your local area?
2. Harnessing the power of the Sun
3. Harnessing the power of waves
4. Farming the wind - through onshore and offshore windfarms
5. Tidal energy
8. Nuclear power
7. Nuclear waste disposal
8. Biofuels
9. Blue Hydrogen - the fuel of the future?
10. Hydrogen of many colours
11. Geothermal power from ‘hot dry’ rocks
12. A new use for old coal mines
13. Small-scale hydroelectric power schemes
14. Ground source heat pumps
15. Energy from burning waste
16. Energy from buried waste
17. Capturing carbon?
18. Advances in battery technology
19. Green hydrogen
20. Storing water power
21. Gas storage underground
22. Electric vehicles - the way to go? Video
23. Building insulation
24. Enhanced weathering Extension
25. Let’s plant some trees
26. How will rising sea level affect our coastlines?
27. Inland flooding: a Sheffield case study
28. Landslide danger
29. The future for global agriculture
Clinometer (DIY) | DIY Dip and strike model (ELI+) |
Coal (power source) |
Which power source? - solving the crisis in Kiama (ELI+) Extension
A new use for old coal mines
Coasts, erosion, transportation, deposition |
1. Changing coastlines
2. Coastal erosion
Cobalt | Essential minerals - cobalt |
Colour of the world in the past | What colour was the world in the past? |
Colour of minerals | Mineral expert - 1 Teaching video |
Compression (see also Stresses in the Earth) |
1. Modelling Earth stresses with your hands
2. Squeezed out of shape Teaching video
3. Deformed trilobites Video
4. Himalayas in 30 seconds! Extension Teaching video Video
5. Banana benders Video
Condensation | 1. Mini-world water cycle Teaching video Extension 2. Watery World Game (ELI Early years)
Conduction - water cycle | Cycling water and heat in the lab - and the globe (ELI+) |
Conical hill | Geological mapwork from scratch 1: a conical hill (ELI+) |
Conservation | Take it or leave it? - the geoconservation debate |
Conservative or sliding plate margin |
1. Plate tectonics through the window (ELI+) Teaching video
2. MarsTM margins - diverged, converged and transformed Video
3. Slip-sliding away
Constructive plate margin |
1. ’Mantle plume’ in a beaker (ELI+)
2. Plate tectonics through the window (ELI+) Teaching video
3. Continental split - the opening of the Atlantic Ocean Video
4. Faults in a MarsTM Bar Video
5. MarsTM margins - diverged, converged and transformed Video
Consumers/producers | Who ate the ammonite? |
Continental drift |
1. Continental jigsaw puzzle (ELI+) Teaching video
2. Earth time jigsaw puzzle
3. Wegener’s ’Continental drift’ meets Wilson’s ’Plate tectonics’ (ELI+)
4. Continental split - the opening of the Atlantic Ocean Video
5. Did the continents move for you? (ELI+)
Video Extension
6. Wandering continents
Continents/oceans patterns | Continents versus biodiversity (ELI+) |
Convection - water cycle | Cycling water and heat in the lab - and the globe (ELI+) |
Convergent plate margin | 1. Continents in collision (ELI+) Extension Teaching video
2. Plate tectonics through the window (ELI+) Teaching video Video (Oxford Sparks)
3. MarsTM margins - diverged, converged and transformed Video
Cooling rates - crystal growth |
1. Unfair ’build your own crystal’ race (ELI+)
2. Building silicates (crystal size in magma & in recrystallisation in solid rock)
Copper | Essential minerals - copper |
Coral atoll formation | Darwin’s ’big coral atoll idea’ Video |
Core of the Earth |
1. A core activity (ELI+)
2. From an orange to the whole Earth Teaching video Video (Portuguese introduction)
3. From clay balls to the structure of the Earth (ELI+) Extension Teaching video
4. The heat is on (heat transfer from the core outwards)
5. Effect of Earth’s core on earthquake waves
6. Magnetic Manchester
Cores: ice and deep sea |
1. Oxygen isotope sweet simulation (ELI+)
2. Interpret Earth temperatures from simulated deep-sea and ice cores (ELI+)
3. Oxygen thermometers (ELI+)
Cracks; sedimentary and igneous structures - modelling cracks by drying and cooling | Cracking the clues |
Craters | Craters on the Moon Extension Impact calculator Video (Portuguese introduction) |
Critical minerals for the Green Revolution | Essential minerals - critical minerals |
Cross-bedding |
1. Sedimentary structures - cross-bedding and ancient currents Teaching video
2. Sedimentary structures - cross-bedding and ’way-up’ Teaching video
3. Make your own cross-bedding Teaching video
4. What was it like to be there? – clues in sediment which bring an environment to life
5. Fieldwork: Interactive re-creation
6. Picturing puzzle structures
Cross-curricular topics |
1. Geo-art: paintings to sculptures inspired by all things ‘geo’
2. Geo-literature: poems and stories inspired by all things ‘geo’
3. Geo-music - music inspired by all things ‘geo’ Extension
4. Earthquakes in art
5. Back in time
6. Rocks music Extension Sound - Rock xylophone
Cross sections | Geological mapwork from scratch 1: a conical hill (ELI+) Geological mapwork from scratch 2: valley with simple geology (ELI+) Geological mapwork from scratch 3: valley with dipping geology (ELI+) |
Crust of the Earth | Journey to the centre of the Earth - on a toilet roll Teaching video
Crystal formation - salt | Salt of the Earth Extension |
Crystal growth and lattices |
1. Unfair ’build your own crystal’ race (ELI+)
2. ’Crystallisation’ in a pudding dish Teaching video
3. Building silicates (crystal size in magma & in recrystallisation in solid rock)
Crystallisation - igneous rocks |
1. Why do igneous rocks have different crystal sizes? (ELI+) Teaching video
2. Unfair ’build your own crystal’ race (ELI+)
3. ’Crystallisation’ in a pudding dish Teaching video
4. Building silicates (crystal size in magma & in recrystallisation in solid rock)
Cuesta | Geological mapwork from models 2: cuesta with simple geology (ELI+) |
Currents |
1. Sedimentary structures - cross-bedding and ancient currents Teaching video
2. What was it like to be there? – clues in sediment which bring an environment to life
3. Make your own cross-bedding Teaching video
D |
Darwin, Charles |
1. Darwin’s ‘big coral atoll idea’ Video
2. Darwin’s ‘big soil idea’ Video
3. How many Beany Beetles? - the evolution game |
Dating the Earth |
1. Working out the age of the Earth - moving backwards as time moved forwards
2. Dating the Earth - Charles Lyell and Mount Etna 1828
3. Radioactive dating Video
Day/Night | Earth on Earth - how day/night and the seasons work |
Deformation of rocks |
1. Squeezed out of shape Teaching video
2. Deformed trilobites Video
3. Deep rock cycle explained by plate tectonics: deformation and metamorphism Teaching video
Deformation of the mantle | Bouncing, bending, breaking (ELI+) Teaching video
Density current - turbidity current | 1. High flow, low flow? - atmosphere and ocean in a tank Extension Teaching video
2. Atmosphere and ocean in a lunchbox
Density - Earth |
1. From an orange to the whole Earth Teaching video Video (Portuguese introduction)
2. A core activity (ELI+) 3. Isostasy 1 (ELI+) Teaching video
Density - minerals | 1. Jigging Teaching video
2. Riches in the river Extension
3. Gold panning Teaching video
4. Eureka! - detecting ore the Archimedes way
5. Mineral expert - 2 Teaching video |
Density - rocks and minerals - simple measurement | Eureka! - detecting ore the Archimedes way |
Density - water of different salinities |
1. Why is the Dead Sea dead?
2. Current flows through straits (Marsili model)
Deposition by rivers | 1. Mighty river in a small gutter Extension Teaching video Teaching video (ages 9 to 11 years)
2. Investigating small-scale sedimentary processes AND modelling mighty rivers Teaching video Teaching video (ages 9 to 11 years)
3. From river sediment to stripy rocks
4. LegoTM bricks and sedimentary processes
Deposition by the sea | Changing coastlines |
Deposition by wind | Dust bowl Extension |
Depositional environments |
1. What was it like to be there? – clues in sediment which bring an environment to life
2. What layers are preserved?
Desiccation cracks |
1. Cracking the clues
2. Picturing puzzle structures
Destructive plate margin | 1. Continents in collision (ELI+) Extension Teaching video
2. Plate tectonics through the window (ELI+) Teaching video Video (Oxford Sparks)
3. MarsTM margins - diverged, converged and transformed Video
Dinosaur activities |
1. Dinosaur death - did it die or was it killed?
2. Dig up the dinosaur Extension Video
3. Dinosaur in the yard Extension
4. Meeting of the dinosaurs - 100 million years ago Teaching video Extension
5. How to weigh a dinosaur
6. Let’s weigh that dinosaur!
7. Dinosaur extinction
Dip and apparent dip | DIY Dip and strike model (ELI+) |
Dipping geological beds | Geological mapwork from scratch 3: valley with dipping geology (ELI+) |
Divergent plate margin |
1. ’Mantle plume’ in a beaker (ELI+)
2. Plate tectonics through the window (ELI+) Teaching video
3. Continental split - the opening of the Atlantic Ocean Video
4. Faults in a MarsTM Bar Teaching video
5. MarsTM margins - diverged, converged and transformed Video
Drumlin | Evidence from the deep freeze - under or near the ice sheets |
Dykes - radial, volcanic intrusion | Volcanoes and radial dykes (ELI+) |
E |
Earth - age |
1. Working out the age of the Earth - moving backwards as time moved forwards
2. The origin of the Earth - at arm’s length
Earth in space | Playground planets Extension |
Earth - magnetic field |
1. Magnetic Earth (ELI+) Teaching video
2. Human magnets! (ELI+)
3. Magnetic Manchester
Earth - orbit and spin | Screaming roller coaster |
Earth - properties | Bauble quiz - festive fun for everyone |
Earthquakes |
1. Quake shake - will my home collapse? Extension Columns in Rome
Teaching video Video
2. Earthquake prediction - when will the earthquake strike? Teaching video Teaching video (ages 9 to 11 years)
3. Earthquake through the window - what would you see, what would you feel?
4. Surviving an earthquake Teaching video Video
5. Earthquake in your classroom
6. Shaken but not stirred? Teaching video
7. Modelling earthquake wave amplification Video
8. Earthquakes in art
9. Spaghetti quakes Teaching video
10. Slinky seismic waves demo Teaching video
11. Natural hazards in your area?
12. Catastrophic natural processes
13. Slip-sliding away
14. Effect of Earth’s core on earthquake waves
Earthquakes - body waves |
1. Waves in the Earth 1 - the slinky simulation (ELI+) Teaching video
2. Waves in the Earth 2 - Human molecules (ELI+) Teaching video
3. Merry waves - all year round (ELI+)
4. Slinky seismic waves demo Teaching video
Earthquakes and volcanoes - plate tectonics | Geobattleships (ELI+) Teaching video
Earth science out of doors | Earth science out of doors: preserving the evidence |
Earth - structure | 1. From clay balls to the structure of the Earth (ELI+) Extension Teaching video
2. Effect of Earth’s core on earthquake waves
Eclipses | 1. Eclipse the lollipop
2. Why does the sun disappear?
3. Eclipse from the moon?
Electric vehicles (‘net zero’ emissions target) | Electric vehicles - the way to go?
Electrical resistance | Electrical ground probing |
Elements - chemical | What am I made of? (ELI+) |
Elements needed to sustain life | Rocks to eat? |
Energy consumption | Mineral expert 4 - Recycle your mobile phone |
Energy sources
Also, please refer to Climate change ‘net zero’ emissions target |
1. Power through the window
2. Which power source? - solving the crisis in Kiama (ELI+) Extension
3. Plugging future global energy gap?
4. Future power: predicting future power sources (ELI+)
Energy transfer - water cycle | Cycling water and heat in the lab - and the globe (ELI+) |
Engineering geology - investigating shrinkage of clay | Testing rocks 3 - that shrinking feeling |
Engineering geology - testing rocks for strength | Testing rocks 1 - bouncing back |
Engineering geology - testing the plasticity of clay | Testing rocks 2 - ’Splat!’ |
Environments |
1. Fieldwork: Applying ’the present is the key to the past’ Teaching video
2. Environmental detective
3. What was it like to be there? – clues in sediment which bring an environment to life
4. Fieldwork: Environmental evaluation
5. Now and then
6. Fifty million years into the future Box School animals
7. Take it or leave it? - the geoconservation debate
8. So, you want to conserve a geodiversity site
9. View to the future – and the past
10. Climate on arrival
11. What layers are preserved?
12. Playground continents
Equinox | 1. Hot or not 2. Earth on Earth 3. Seasons: the effect of our tilted Earth |
Erosion / weathering - misconceptions | Teacher - ‘What’s the difference between weathering and erosion?’ |
Erosion - rocks and shells |
1. Rock, rattle and roll Extension - using maps Teaching video Video (Portuguese introduction)
2. Shell shake - survival of the toughest Video
3. When are soft rocks tough, and hard rocks weak?
4. Recreating the rocks
Erosion by ice | Grinding and gouging Video (Portuguese introduction) |
Erosion by rivers |
1. Mighty river in a small gutter Extension Teaching video Teaching video (ages 9 to 11 years
2. Bucket for a pothole: visualising past processes by calculation (ELI+)
3. Investigating small-scale sedimentary processes AND modelling mighty rivers Teaching video Teaching video (ages 9 to 11 years)
4. LegoTM bricks and sedimentary processes
5. How can storms affect erosion rates?
Erosion by the sea |
1. Changing coastlines
2. How can storms affect erosion rates?
3. Coastal erosion
Erosion by wind |
1. Dust bowl Extension
2. How can storms affect erosion rates?
Erosion - fieldwork | Questions for any rock face - erosion Teaching video |
Erosion - soil | Why does soil get washed away? Extension Video Teaching video (ages 7 to 11 years) |
Eurypterids | Scary scorpions |
European Macroseismic Scale (EMS) | Earthquake in your classroom |
Evaporation | 1. Mini-world water cycle Teaching video Extension 2. Watery World Game (ELI Early years) |
Evaporation and salt crystal-formation | Salt of the Earth Extension |
Evolution of Earth’s atmosphere | Earth’s atmosphere - step by step evolution (ELI+) |
Evolution of life | 1. Time-line in your own backyard Extension Teaching video Video
2. Toilet roll of time Video
3. How many Great Great Great Great Grandparents? Teaching video
4. How many Beany Beetles? - the evolution game Teaching video
5. Curious creatures Video (Cambrian explosion song)
6. Fifty million years into the future Box School animals
7. Continents versus biodiversity (ELI+)
Evolution - theory | Evolution of evolution (ELI+) |
Extinction | Dinosaur extinction |
Extractive industry | Quarry through the window - what would you see, what would you not see? |
F |
Faults - fluids and movement | Fluids, friction and failure Teaching video |
Faults - mapwork from models | 1. Geological mapwork from models 6: plain with faults in the direction of dip (ELI+) 2. Geological mapwork from models 7: plain with faults parallel to the outcrops of the beds (ELI+) 3. Geological mapwork from models 8: plain with different types of fault (ELI+) |
Faults |
1. Valley in 30 seconds!
Teaching video 1
Teaching video 2
2. Banana benders Video
3. Swiss roll surgery
4. Fieldwork: Interactive re-creation
5. Fieldwork: Questions for any rock face 8 - faults
6. Modelling faulting - by hand
7. Modelling by hand ‘when the youngest rock is not on top’
8. Faults in a MarsTM Bar
9. Picturing tectonic structures - 1 faulting
10. Slip-sliding away
Father of English Geology - William Smith | William Smith - ’The Father of English Geology’ (ELI+) Extension |
Fieldwork |
1. Applying ’the present is the key to the past’
2. Earth science out of doors; preserving the evidence
3. Environmental evaluation
4. Interactive re-creation
5. Questions for any rock face - planning Teaching video
6. Questions for any rock face 1: weathering Teaching video
7. Questions for any rock face 2: erosion Teaching video
8. Questions for any rock face 3: soil Teaching video
9. Questions for any rock face 4: rock group (sedimentary or igneous) Teaching video
10. Questions for any rock face 5: sedimentary grains Teaching video
11. Questions for any rock face 6: fossils
12. Questions for any rock face 7: tilted or folded rocks Teaching video
13. Questions for any rock face 8: faults
14. Questions for any rock face 9: metamorphic rock
15. Questions for any rock face 10: sequencing geological events Teaching video
16. Questions for any rock face 11: tectonic plates Teaching video
17. Questions for any rock face 12: potential of the quarry or cutting Teaching video
18. Questions for any rock face 13: quarry economics Teaching video
19. Questions for any rock face 14: recording data Teaching video
20. Now and then
21. Rock around school (investigating building materials) Teaching video
22. Rocks from the big screen
23. Safety: The ‘What could hurt you here?’ approach to field safety
24. The ‘All powerful’ strategy
25. The view from the site
26. The ‘What makes a good educational experience’ approach to planning fieldwork (ELI for Educators)
26. Urban fieldwork Teaching video
Fishing game | Fishing game - beware of overfishing
Flame structures - sedimentary structures | 1. Sedimentary structures - load casts Teaching video
2. What was it like to be there? – clues in sediment which bring an environment to life
Floods |
1. Flood through the window - what would you see, what would you feel? Extension
2. Natural hazards in your area?
3. Inland flooding: a Sheffield case study
4. How will rising sea level affect our coastlines?
Fluids and friction | Fluids, friction and failure Teaching video |
Fluids - hydrothermal | Interactive hydrothermal mineralisation (ELI+) |
Fold mountains / folded rocks |
1. Himalayas in 30 seconds! Extension Teaching video Video
2. Margarine mountain-building
3. Banana benders Video
4. Continents in collision (ELI+) Extension Teaching video
5. Fieldwork: Interactive re-creation
6. Fieldwork: Questions for any rock face 7 - tilted or folded rocks Teaching video
7. Geological mapwork from models 5: folded geology on block models (ELI+)
8. Opengeoscience 2: tilted and folded rocks (ELI+)
9. Swiss roll surgery
10. View from above
11. From folds to crustal shortening: visualising past processes by calculation (ELI+)
12. Modelling by hand ‘when the youngest rock is not on top’
13. Modelling folding - by hand
14. Right way up or upside down? - modelling anti- and synforms by hand
15. Visualising plunging folds - with your hands and a piece of paper
16. Jelly BabiesTM and 3D maps (ELI+)
17. Recreating the rocks
18. Picturing tectonic structures - folding
19. Folds and faults with puff pastry and chocolate
Food chain - Jurassic | Who ate the ammonite? |
Food web - Jurassic | Who ate the ammonite? |
Forensic geoscience - Cretaceous crime scene | Dinosaur death - did it die or was it killed? |
Forensic geoscience - People smuggling | Innocent until proven guilty (ELI+) |
Fossils |
1. Fossil or not? Teaching video
2. Fossilise! - fossil game (ELI Early years)
3. How could I become fossilised? Extension Teaching video
4. Mary Anning - Mother of Palaeontology Teaching video
5. Running the fossilisation film backwards Teaching video
6. What was it like to be there? - bringing a fossil to life Teaching video Get geo-creative
7. Cambrian - Curious creatures Video (Cambrian explosion song)
8. Fieldwork: Questions for any rock face 6 - fossils
9. Playground continents
10. Picturing fossils 1
11. Picturing fossils 2
Fossils - trace | 1. Dinosaur in the yard Extension
2. Meeting of the dinosaurs - 100 million years ago Teaching video Extension
3. Trail-making
4. Trace fossils - burrows or borings Teaching video
5. Picturing trace fossils
Fossil collecting | Take it or leave it? - the geoconservation debate |
Fossil record | Shell shake - survival of the toughest Video |
Fossil/rock/mineral/other | 1. Found in the ground Teaching video
2. Sensory treasure hunt Teaching video |
Fracking |
1. Recipe for the perfect fracking fluid
2. Which power source? - solving the crisis in Kiama (ELI+) Extension
Freeze - thaw physical weathering |
1. Freeze-thaw weathering Teaching video
2. Ice Power (ELI+)
Friction and fluids | Fluids, friction and failure Teaching video |
G |
Gangue minerals | Interactive hydrothermal mineralisation (ELI+) |
Gas (power source) |
1. Which power source? - solving the crisis in Kiama (ELI+) Extension
2. Gas storage underground
Gases in the atmosphere | Earth’s atmosphere - step by step evolution (ELI+) |
Geo-inspired creations |
1. Geo-art: paintings to sculptures inspired by all things ‘geo’
2. Geo-literature: poems and stories inspired by all things ‘geo’
3. Geo-music - music inspired by all things ‘geo’ Extension
4. Earthquakes in art
5. Rocks music Extension Sound - Rock xylophone
Geoconservation | 1. Take it or leave it? - the geoconservation debate 2. So, you want to conserve a geodiversity site |
Geodiversity | So, you want to conserve a geodiversity site |
Geological garden |
Rocky play-park; design your own
Geological history |
1. What is the geological history? Extension
2. Fieldwork: the ‘All powerful’ strategy
3. Fieldwork - Questions for any rock face 10: sequencing geological events Teaching video
Geological laws and principles | Laying down the principles Teaching video |
Geological map - first of England, Wales and part of Scotland | William Smith - ’The Father of English Geology’ (ELI+) Extension |
Geological maps |
1. Opengeoscience 1: igneous intrusions and lavas (ELI+)
2. Opengeoscience 2: tilted and folded rocks (ELI+)
3. Using surface geology to make a geological map (ELI+)
4. Jelly BabiesTM and 3D maps (ELI+)
Geological mapwork from scratch |
1: a conical hill (ELI+)
2: valley with simple geology (ELI+)
3: valley with dipping geology (ELI+) |
Geological mapwork from models |
1: plain with simple geology (ELI+)
2: cuesta with simple geology (ELI+)
3: valley with horizontal floor (ELI+)
4: sloping ridge and valley (ELI+)
5: folded geology on block models (ELI+)
6: plain with faults in the direction of dip (ELI+)
7: plain with faults parallel to the outcrops of the beds (ELI+)
8: plain with different types of fault (ELI+)
Geological Time |
please refer to category
Geomorphology | 1. Picturing landforms 1
2. Picturing landforms 2
3. Picturing landforms 3
4. Picturing landforms 4: Mass Movement A
5. Picturing landforms 5: Mass Movement B
Geophysics |
1. From clay balls to the structure of the Earth (ELI+) Extension Teaching video
2. Effect of Earth’s core on earthquake waves
3. Electrical ground probing
4. Modelling remote sensing geophysics (ELI+)
Geothermal power |
1. Rock power: geothermal power simulations (ELI+)
2. Geothermal power from ‘hot dry’ rocks
3. Which power source? - solving the crisis in Kiama (ELI+) Extension |
Glacial erosion | 1. Grinding and gouging Video (Portuguese introduction)
2. Ice-thickness from scratch: visualising past processes by calculation (ELI+)
Glacial landscapes |
1. Evidence from the deep freeze - under or near the ice sheets
2. Modelling by hand ‘when the youngest rock is not on top’ |
Glacial moraine | 1. Dam burst danger 2. Evidence from the deep freeze - under or near the ice sheets |
Glacial rebound | Isostasy 2; ‘bouncing back’ after the ice (ELI+) Teaching video |
Glaciers | Evidence from the deep freeze - under or near the ice sheets |
Glaciers - movement along bed | Fluids, friction and failure Teaching video |
Gold | Essential minerals - gold |
Gold prospecting | Gold prospectors Teaching video |
Golden spike | Geological time and the Anthropocene? |
Graded bedding | 1. Sedimentary structures - graded bedding Teaching video
2. What was it like to be there? – clues in sediment which bring an environment to life
3. Picturing puzzle structures
Grains - sedimentary |
1. Rock detective - rocky clues to the past Teaching video Teaching video (ages 7 to 11
2. Modelling for rocks - what’s hidden inside and why? Teaching video
3. Questions for any rock face 5: sedimentary grains Teaching video
4. ‘A World in a grain of sand’ Teaching video
Granite landscapes | Geological postcards 1 - granite and chalk Teaching video ‘Global’ postcards extension |
Graphite | Essential minerals - graphite |
Gravestones | Will my gravestone last? Teaching video |
Gravity anomalies | Modelling remote sensing geophysics (ELI+) |
Greenhouse effect |
1. Greenhouse effect
2. Greenhouse effect in a bottle
Ground heat pumps (power source) |
1. Ground source heat pumps
2. Which power source? - solving the crisis in Kiama (ELI+) Extension |
Ground probing | Electrical ground probing |
Groundwater flow | From rain to spring: water from the ground Extension Teaching video Video |
Groundwater pH | Watery world of underground chemistry (ELI+) Teaching video
Groundwater pollution simulation | From rain to spring: water from the ground Extension Teaching video Video |
Groundwater - wells | Well, well, well! |
Gypsum | Make and use your own Plaster of Paris |
H |
Habit - crystals | Mineral expert - 1 Teaching video |
Hardness of minerals | Mineral expert - 2 Teaching video |
Heat transfer from Earth’s core outwards | The heat is on |
Herbivore/carnivore relationships | Who ate the ammonite? |
Historical geology - principles | Laying down the principles Teaching video |
Historical geology - sequencing events | What is the geological history? Extension |
Hotspots |
1. Hotspots (ELI+)
2. Plate margins and movement by hand Teaching video
How Science works - Mary Anning | Mary Anning - Mother of Palaeontology Teaching video |
How Science works - Charles Darwin | 1. Darwin’s ’big coral atoll idea’ Video 2. Darwin’s ’big soil idea’ |
How Science works - James Hutton | James Hutton - or ’Mr. Rock Cycle’? (ELI+) Rock cycle song |
How Science works - Charles Lyell | Dating the Earth - Charles Lyell and Mount Etna 1828 |
How Science works - Luigi Marsili | Current flows through straits (Marsili model) |
How Science works - William Smith | William Smith - ’The Father of English Geology’ (ELI+) Extension |
How Science works - Marie Tharp | Marie Tharp: ‘A woman scientist in a man’s world’ Extension
How Science works - Alfred Wegener | Wegener’s ’Continental drift’ meets Wilson’s ’Plate tectonics’ (ELI+) |
Humus - in soils | 1. Make your own soil Teaching video
2. Soil layers puzzle |
Hurricane | Natural hazards in your area? |
Hutton, James - rock cycle |
1. James Hutton - or ’Mr. Rock Cycle’? (ELI+) Rock cycle song
2. Filling the gap – picturing the unconformity ‘abyss of time’?
Hydroelectric HEP (power source) |
1. Which power source? - solving the crisis in Kiama (ELI+) Extension
2. Small-scale hydroelectric power schemes
3. Storing water power
Hydrogen as an energy source |
1. Blue hydrogen - the fuel of the future?
2. Green hydrogen used to even out renewable energy supplies?
3. Hydrogen of many colours
Hydrosphere; one of Earth’s four interacting spheres | What am I made of? (ELI+) |
Hydrostatic pressure | Water pressure - underground (ELI+) |
Hydrothermal fluids | Interactive hydrothermal mineralisation (ELI+) |
I |
Ice age | 1. Evidence from the deep freeze - under or near the ice sheets 2. Isostasy 2; ‘bouncing back’ after the ice (ELI+) Teaching video |
Ice cores and Earth's temperatures |
1. Oxygen isotope sweet simulation (ELI+)
2. Interpret Earth temperatures from simulated deep-sea and ice cores (ELI+)
3. Ice core evidence for climate change (ELI+)
4. Oxygen thermometers (ELI+)
Ice - changing state |
1. Water - changing state Teaching video
2. Ice power (ELI+)
3. Melting ice and sea level change 1 - sea ice melts Teaching video
4. Melting ice and sea level change 2 - ice caps melt Teaching video
Ice - erosion | 1. Grinding and gouging Video (Portuguese introduction)
2. Ice-thickness from scratch: visualising past processes by calculation (ELI+)
Ice sheets | Evidence from the deep freeze - under or near the ice sheets |
Igneous intrusions on geological maps | Opengeoscience 1 (ELI+) |
Igneous processes | Volcano in the lab (ELI+) Extension Teaching video |
Igneous rocks |
1. ’Rockery 1’ - rock game
2. ’Rockery 2’ - rock cycle game
3. Why do igneous rocks have different crystal sizes? (ELI+) Teaching video
4. Unfair ’build your own crystal’ race (ELI+)
5.’Crystallisation’ in a pudding dish Teaching video
6. Building silicates (crystal size in magma & in recrystallisation in solid rock)
7. Partial melting - simple process, huge global impact (ELI+) Extension
8. Partial melting model and real rock (ELI+)
9. Fieldwork: Questions for any rock face 4: rock group (sedimentary or igneous) Teaching video
10. Isostasy - How a rising mountain chain can reveal its hidden secrets Teaching video
11. Rock grain cut out
12. From ‘Rock detective’ to ‘Laying out the rock cycle’ Teaching video
13. Picturing igneous rocks 1
14. Picturing igneous rocks 2
Igneous rocks - building stones resources | 1. Building stones 1 2. Building stones 2 - Igneous rocks 3. Will my gravestone last? Teaching video
Imbrication - sedimentary structure | 1. Sedimentary structures - imbrication
2. What was it like to be there? – clues in sediment which bring an environment to life
3. Picturing puzzle structures
Impact craters | Craters on the Moon Extension Impact calculator Video (Portuguese introduction) |
Insolation | Hot or not? |
Insulation (‘net zero’ emissions target) | Building insulation |
Intensity scale (Earthquakes) | Earthquake in your classroom |
Intrusion - volcanic radial dykes | Volcanoes and radial dykes (ELI+) |
Iron ore | Smelter on a stick (ELI+) |
Isostasy |
1. Isostasy 1; modelling the state of ‘balance’ of the Earth’s outer layers (ELI+) Teaching video Kitchen isostasy 1
2. Isostasy 2; ‘bouncing back’ after the ice (ELI+) Teaching video Kitchen isostasy 2
3. Isostasy - How a rising mountain chain can reveal its hidden secrets Teaching video
J |
Jigging - separating materials | Jigging Teaching video |
Joints - columnar | Cracking the clues |
Jurassic - food web from fossil evidence | Who ate the ammonite? |
K |
Karstic scenery | Karstic scenery - in 60 seconds |
Key - building stones resource | Building stones |
Knoll | Geological mapwork from scratch 1: a conical hill (ELI+) |
Krakatoa, volcanic eruption and tsunamis | Krakatoa - tsunamis |
L |
Lamination | 1. Fieldwork: Interactive re-creation
2. Picturing puzzle structures
Landforms | 1.Picturing landforms 1
2. Picturing landforms 2
3. Picturing landforms 3
Land restoration | Quarry through the window - what would you see, what would you not see? |
Landscapes - granite and chalk | Geological postcards 1 - granite and chalk Teaching video ‘Global’ postcards extension |
Landscapes - sandstone and limestone
1. Geological postcards 2 - sandstone and limestone Teaching video ‘Global’ postcards extension 2. Karstic scnery - in 60 seconds |
Landslides | 1. Landslide through the window - what would you see, what would you feel? Extension Video
2. Failing slopes Teaching video
3. Danger - quicksands!
4. Dam burst danger
5. Natural hazards in your area?
6. Landslide danger - and climate change
Latent heat - water cycle | Cycling water and heat in the lab - and the globe (ELI+) |
Lava flows - simulation | See how they run Teaching video |
Lavas on geological maps | Opengeoscience 1 (ELI+) |
Lava viscosity | Bubble-mania Volcano Simulator (Alaska Museum of Science & Nature) |
Laws in Geology |
1. Laying down the principles Teaching video
2. What happened when?: sorting out sequences using stratigraphical concepts Teaching video
Life on Earth - time-line | 1. Time-line in your own backyard Extension Teaching video Video
2. Toilet roll of time Video
Lime kiln |
Make a mini lime kiln; discover limelight
Limestone |
1. Geological postcards 2 - sandstone and limestone Teaching video ‘Global’ postcards extension
2. Fieldwork: Interactive re-creation
3. Karstic scenery - in 60 seconds
4. Weathering limestone - with my own breath! (ELI+) Teaching video
5. Calcium carbonate misconceptions
6. Sink hole!
7. Limestone springs
8. Make a mini lime kiln; discover limelight
Liquefaction - earthquake | Quake shake - will my home collapse? Extension Columns in Rome Teaching video Video |
Liquefaction - quicksands | Danger - quicksands! |
Lithification |
Deep rock cycle explained by plate tectonics: lithification
Lithium | Essential minerals - lithium |
Lithosphere | 1.Journey to the centre of the Earth - on a toilet roll Teaching video
2. Isostasy 1 (ELI+) Teaching video
3. Chocolate Plates
Lithosphere; one of Earth’s four interacting spheres | What am I made of? (ELI+) |
Literature | Geo-literature: poems and stories inspired by all things ‘geo’ |
Litter - in soils | 1. Make your own soil Teaching video
2. Soil layers puzzle |
Load casts - sedimentary structures | 1. Sedimentary structures - load casts Teaching video
2. What was it like to be there? – clues in sediment which bring an environment to life
3. Picturing puzzle structures
Loam soil | Soil doughnuts Teaching video |
Longshore drift | Changing coastlines |
Lunar month | 1. Jaffa moon 2. Lollipop moon 3. Polystyrene moon |
Lustre of minerals | Mineral expert - 1 Teaching video |
Lyell, Charles | Dating the Earth - Charles Lyell and Mount Etna 1828 |
M |
Magma - cooling and crystallisation | Why do igneous rocks have different crystal sizes? (ELI+) Teaching video |
Magma - crystallisation |
1. Unfair ’build your own crystal’ race (ELI+)
2. ’Crystallisation’ in a pudding dish Teaching video
3. Building silicates (crystal size in magma & in recrystallisation in solid rock)
Magma - intrusions | Volcanoes and radial dykes (ELI+) |
Magma - late stage cooling | Interactive hydrothermal mineralisation (ELI+) |
Magma viscosity | Bubble-mania |
Magnetic anomalies | Modelling remote sensing geophysics (ELI+) |
Magnetic field of the Earth |
1. Magnetic Earth (ELI+)
2. Recipe for a magnetic Earth and a magnetic detector Teaching video
3. Why won’t my compass work on the other side of the Equator? (ELI+) Teaching video
4. Human magnets! (ELI+)
5. Magnetic Manchester |
Magnetic pattern of rocks on the sea floor |
1. Magnetic stripes (ELI+) Teaching video
2. Hands on magnetic stripes (ELI+)
3. Transform faults (ELI+) Teaching video Video |
Magnetic reversals |
1. Magnetic stripes (ELI+) Teaching video
2. Hands on magnetic stripes (ELI+)
3. Recipe for a magnetic Earth and a magnetic detector Teaching video
4. When did the poles ‘flip’?
Magnetism - frozen |
1. Frozen magnetism (ELI+) Teaching video
2. Human magnets! (ELI+) 3. Did the continents move for you? (ELI+) Video Extension
Mantle |
1. From an orange to the whole Earth Teaching video Video (Portuguese introduction)
2. ’Mantle plume’ in a beaker (ELI+)
3. Hotspots (ELI+)
4. Bouncing, bending, breaking (ELI+) Teaching video
Map - first geological map of England, Wales and part of Scotland | William Smith - ’The Father of English Geology’ (ELI+) Extension |
Mapping “structures” on the playing field | Mapping “structures” on the playing field |
Mapwork: a conical hill | Geological mapwork from scratch 1: a conical hill (ELI+) |
Mapwork: dip, apparent dip, strike, DIY clinometer | DIY Dip and strike model (ELI+) |
Mapwork: surface geology | Geological mapwork: using surface geology to make a geological map (ELI+) |
Mapwork: valley with simple geology | Geological mapwork from scratch 2: valley with simple geology (ELI+) |
Mapwork: valley with dipping geology | Geological mapwork from scratch 3: valley with dipping geology (ELI+) |
Mapwork from models: cuesta with simple geology | Geological mapwork from models 2: cuesta with simple geology (ELI+) |
Mapwork from models: folded rocks | Geological mapwork from models 5: folded geology on block models (ELI+) |
Mapwork from models: plain with simple geology | Geological mapwork from models 1: plain with simple geology (ELI+) |
Mapwork from models: plain with faults | 1. Geological mapwork from models 6: plain with faults in the direction of dip (ELI+) 2. Geological mapwork from models 7: plain with faults parallel to the outcrops of the beds (ELI+) 3. Geological mapwork from models 8: plain with different types of fault (ELI+) |
Mapwork from models: sloping ridge and valley | Geological mapwork from models 4: sloping ridge and valley (ELI+) |
Mapwork from models: valley with horizontal floor | Geological mapwork from models 3: valley with horizontal floor (ELI+) |
Mapwork with block models for students with VI | Modifying block models for students with VI |
Marie Tharp | Marie Tharp: ‘A woman scientist in a man’s world’ Extension
Marsili, Luigi Ferdinando (1658-1730) | Current flows through straits (Marsili model) |
Mary Anning | Mary Anning - Mother of Palaeontology Teaching video |
Mass movement |
1. Landslide through the window - what would you see, what would you feel? Video
2. Picturing Landforms – 4: Mass Movement A
Mass movement - density currents | 1. High flow, low flow? - atmosphere and ocean in a tank Extension Teaching video
2. Atmosphere and ocean in a lunchbox
Material properties | Sensory treasure hunt Teaching video |
Metal minerals | Interactive hydrothermal mineralisation (ELI+) |
Metal ores | Smelter on a stick (ELI+) |
Metamorphism - metamorphic rocks |
1. Metamorphism - that’s Greek for change of shape isn’t it? Extension Teaching video
Video (16+)
2. Squeezed out of shape Teaching video
3. Deformed trilobites Video
4. Building stones 1
5. Building stones 4 - Metamorphic rocks
Video (16+)
6. Will my gravestone last? Teaching video
7. ’Rockery 1’ - rock game
8. ’Rockery 2’ - rock cycle game
9. Fieldwork - Questions for any rock face 9: metamorphic rock
10. Metamorphic aureole in a tin (ELI+)
11. Rock grain cut out
12. From ‘Rock detective’ to ‘Laying out the rock cycle’ Teaching video
13. Deep rock cycle explained by plate tectonics: deformation and metamorphism Teaching video
14. Factors controlling metamorphism (ELI+)
15. Picturing metamorphic rocks
Meteorites - evidence for core of Earth | A core activity (ELI+) |
Methane - landfill gas | Energy from buried waste |
Mid Ocean Ridge (MOR) |
1. Magnetic stripes (ELI+) Teaching video
2. Hands on magnetic stripes (ELI+)
3. Transform faults (ELI+) Teaching video Video
4. Continental split - the opening of the Atlantic Ocean Video
Milankovitch cycles | Milankovitch cycles - by hand |
Millions of years - visualisation |
1. How many for a million?
2. Counting one million?
3. Toilet roll of time
4. The origin of the Earth - at arm’s length
Mineral collecting | Take it or leave it? - the geoconservation debate |
Mineral identification |
1. Mineral expert - 1 Teaching video
2. Mineral expert - 2 Teaching video
3. Identifying minerals - use your sense(s)!
4. Mineral or not?
5. Picturing minerals-1
6. Picturing minerals-2
Mineral/rock/fossil/other | 1. Found in the ground
Teaching video 2. Sensory treasure hunt Teaching video |
Mineral uses in everyday life |
1. Mineral expert - 3
2. What is it made of?
3. Essential minerals - lithium
4. Essential minerals - copper
5. Essential minerals - rare earth elements
6. Essential minerals - graphite
7. Essential minerals - cobalt
8. Essential minerals - tin, tungsten, tantalum
9. Essential minerals - gold
10. Essential minerals - critical minerals
Mineralisation - hydrothermal | Interactive hydrothermal mineralisation (ELI+) |
Mineral separation | 1. Jigging Teaching video 2. Gold panning Teaching video |
Minerals essential to life | Rocks to eat? |
Mining for minerals | 1. Jigging Teaching video
2. Interactive hydrothermal mineralisation (ELI+)
3. Essential minerals - lithium
4. Essential minerals - copper
5. Essential minerals - rare earth elements
6. Essential minerals - graphite
7. Essential minerals - cobalt
8. Essential minerals - tin, tungsten, tantalum
9. Essential minerals - gold
10. Essential minerals - critical minerals
Mining and the Green Revolution |
Mining and the Green Revolution
Moho | Journey to the centre of the Earth - on a toilet roll Teaching video
Mohs’ scale for mineral hardness | Mineral expert - 2 Teaching video |
Moon - craters | Craters on the Moon Extension Impact calculator Video (Portuguese introduction) |
Moon - eclipse |
1. Eclipse the lollipop
2. Eclipse from the moon?
Moon - phases | 1. Jaffa moon 2. Lollipop moon 3. Polystyrene moon |
Moraine | 1. Dam burst danger 2. Evidence from the deep freeze - under or near the ice sheets |
Mountains |
1. Himalayas in 30 seconds! Extension Teaching video Video
2. Margarine mountain-building
3. Banana benders Video
4. Continents in collision (ELI+) Extension Teaching video
5. Fieldwork: Interactive re-creation
6. Fieldwork: Questions for any rock face 7 - tilted or folded rocks Teaching video
7. Geological mapwork from models 5: folded geology on block models (ELI+)
8. Opengeoscience 2: tilted and folded rocks (ELI+)
9. Swiss roll surgery
10. View from above
11. Isostasy - How a rising mountain chain can reveal its hidden secrets Teaching video
12. Modelling folding - by hand
13. Recreating the rocks
14. Picturing tectonic structures - folding
15. Folds and faults with puff pastry and chocolate
Mudcracks | Cracking the clues |
Music |
1. Geo-music - music inspired by all things ‘geo’ Extension
2. Rocks music Extension Sound - Rock xylophone
N |
Natural hazards | Natural Hazards ELI category
Natural hazards in your area? |
Natural selection - evolution | 1. Fifty million years into the future Box School animals 2. How many Beany Beetles? - the evolution game |
‘Net zero’ series
Please refer to Climate change: ‘Net zero’ emissions target |
Nitrogen atom | ‘Tagging’ nitrogen atoms – to explore the nitrogen cycle |
Night/Day | Earth on Earth - how day/night and the seasons work |
Nuclear power |
1. Nuclear power
2. Nuclear waste disposal
3. Advances in battery technology |
O |
Ocean currents |
1. Current flows through straits (Marsili model)
2. Rubber ducks at sea
Ocean floor |
1. Magnetic stripes (ELI+) Teaching video
2. Hands on magnetic stripes (ELI+)
3. Transform faults (ELI+) Teaching video Video
4. Which is the fastest spreading oceanic ridge? Teaching video
5. Measuring the depths of seas and oceans: How is it done?
6. Modelling sea-floor mapping
7. East Pacific traverse
8. Marie Tharp: ‘A woman scientist in a man’s world’ Extension
Oil and gas |
1.Make your own oil and gas reservoir
2. Trapped! Why can’t oil and gas escape from their underground prison? Teaching video Teaching video in the lab
3. Where shall we drill for oil?
4. Where does offshore oil come from?
5. Which power source? - solving the crisis in Kiama (ELI+) Extension
Orbit of the Earth | Screaming roller coaster |
Ore - concentration of ore | Riches in the river Extension |
Ore - smelting iron ore | Smelter on a stick (ELI+) |
Ore - density | Eureka! - detecting ore the Archimedes way |
Outdoors - field work | 1. Earth science out of doors: preserving the evidence 2. Rocks from the big screen |
Oxygen isotopes and Earth's temperatures |
1. Oxygen isotope sweet simulation (ELI+)
2. Interpret Earth temperatures from simulated deep-sea and ice cores (ELI+)
3. Oxygen thermometers (ELI+)
P |
Palaeocurrents |
1. Sedimentary structures - imbrication
2. Sedimentary structures - cross-bedding and ancient currents Teaching video
3. What was it like to be there? – clues in sediment which bring an environment to life
4. Make your own cross-bedding Teaching video
Palaeoenvironments |
1. Environmental detective
2. What was it like to be there? - bringing a fossil to life Teaching video Get geo-creative
3. What was it like to be there - in the rocky world? Teaching video Extension
4. Playground continents
Palaeogeography - see Palaeoenvironments above |
Palaeomagnetism |
1. Frozen magnetism (ELI+) Teaching video
2. Human magnets! (ELI+)
3. Magnetic stripes (ELI+) Teaching video
4. Hands on magnetic stripes (ELI+)
5. Did the continents move for you? (ELI+)
Video Extension
Palaeontology - also refer to ’Fossils’ | Mary Anning - Mother of Palaeontology Teaching video |
Pangaea | Continental split - the opening of the Atlantic Ocean Video |
Partial melting |
1. Partial melting - simple process, huge global impact (ELI+) Extension
2. Partial melting model and real rock (ELI+) |
Peat - preservation in | Bog bodies |
Periglacial landscapes | Evidence from the deep freeze - under or near the ice sheets |
Permafrost | Evidence from the deep freeze - under or near the ice sheets |
People smuggling - forensic geoscience | Innocent until proven guilty (ELI+) |
Periodic Table |
‘An element of fun’ - teaching the Periodic Table
Permeability of rocks |
1. Modelling for rocks: what’s hidden inside - and why? Extension Teaching video
2. Does my rock hold water and will water flow through it? Teaching video Teaching video (ages 7 to 11
3. Well, well, well!
Permeability of soils investigation | Permeability of soils - ’The great soil race’ Teaching video Extension |
pH of solutions |
1.Watery world of underground chemistry (ELI+) Teaching video
2. Make a mini lime kiln; discover limelight
Phases of the Moon | 1. Jaffa moon 2. Lollipop moon 3. Polystyrene moon |
Photosynthesis - oxygen into the atmosphere | Earth’s atmosphere - step by step evolution (ELI+) |
Pingo | Evidence from the deep freeze - under or near the ice sheets |
Placer deposits | Riches in the river Extension |
Plain | 1. Geological mapwork from models 1: plain with simple geology (ELI+) 2. Geological mapwork from models 6: plain with faults in the direction of dip (ELI+) 3. Geological mapwork from models 7: plain with faults parallel to the outcrops of the beds (ELI+) 4. Geological mapwork from models 8: plain with with different types of fault (ELI+) |
Planets - sizes and distances | Playground planets Extension |
Plaster | Make and use your own Plaster of Paris |
Plate tectonics - constructive (divergent) plate margin |
1. ’Mantle plume’ in a beaker (ELI+)
2. Faults in a MarsTM Bar Teaching video
3. Magnetic stripes (ELI+) Teaching video
4. Hands on magnetic stripes (ELI+)
5. Transform faults (ELI+) Teaching video Video
6. Continental split - the opening of the Atlantic Ocean Video
7. Fastest spreading ocean ridge
8. MarsTM margins - diverged, converged and transformed Video
Plate tectonics - continental drift |
1. Continental jigsaw puzzle (ELI+) Teaching video
2. Earth time jigsaw puzzle
3. Wegener’s ’Continental drift’ meets Wilson’s ’Plate tectonics’ (ELI+)
4. Did the continents move for you? (ELI+) Video Extension
5. Plate margins and movement by hand Teaching video
6. Wandering continents
Plate tectonics - destructive (convergent) plate margin | 1. Continents in collision (ELI+) Extension Teaching video
2. MarsTM margins - diverged, converged and transformed Video
Plate tectonics - earthquakes and volcanoes | Geobattleships (ELI+) Teaching video
Plate tectonics - evidence | 1. Wegener’s ’Continental drift’ meets Wilson’s ’Plate tectonics’ (ELI+) 2. Did the continents move for you? (ELI+) Video Extension
Plate tectonics - partial melting |
1. Partial melting - simple process, huge global impact (ELI+) Extension
2. Partial melting model and real rock (ELI+)
Plate tectonics - properties of lithospheric plate |
Chocolate Plates
Plate tectonics - moving plates / top and bottom of a plate / mechanism |
1. Plate riding Extension Teaching video
2. Top and bottom of a tectonic plate
3. What drives the plates? Teaching video
4. What drives the plates? The evidence Teaching video
5. What drives the plates? In slab pull, what is it that pulls? Teaching video
6. What drives the plates? Modelling slab pull Video
7. Plate margins and movement by hand Teaching video
8. Plate driving mechanisms
Plate tectonics through the window | 1. Plate tectonics through the window (ELI+) Teaching video Video (Oxford Sparks)
2. Fieldwork: Questions for any rock face 11 - tectonic plates Teaching video
Plate tectonics and the deep rock cycle: lithification |
1. Deep rock cycle explained by plate tectonics: lithification
2. Deep rock cycle explained by plate tectonics: deformation and metamorphism Teaching video
Plate tectonics - UPDATES |
UPDATE: Recent research in plate tectonics (2020)
UPDATE: Joides Resolution research ship (2020)
Plutons on geological maps | Opengeoscience 1 (ELI+) |
Polar wandering curves | Did the continents move for you? (ELI+) Video Extension
Pollution - water sources | From rain to spring: water from the ground Extension Video |
Pore water pressure | Danger - quicksands! |
Porosity of rocks |
1. Space within - the porosity of rocks Extension
2. Does my rock hold water and will water flow through it? Teaching video Teaching video (ages 7 to 11
3. Well, well, well! |
Postcards |
1. Geological postcards 1 - granite and chalk Teaching video ‘Global’ postcards extension
2. Geological postcards 2 - sandstone and limestone Teaching video ‘Global’ postcards extension
Potholes in rivers | Bucket for a pothole: visualising past processes by calculation (ELI+) |
Power sources - general |
1. Which power source? - solving the crisis in Kiama (ELI+) Extension
2. Plugging future global energy gap?
3. Power through the window
4. Future power: predicting future power sources (ELI+)
Pratt isostasy hypothesis | Isostasy 1 (ELI+) Teaching video |
Prediction of volcanic eruptions | Take a ’Chance’ on the volcano erupting (ELI+) Extension |
Prediction of volcanic eruptions/earthquakes/landslides | Party time for volcanoes (ELI+) Extension Teaching video |
Prediction techniques - Earthquakes | Earthquake prediction - when will the earthquake strike? Teaching video Teaching video (ages 9 to 11 years)
Pressure |
1. Under pressure (ELI+)
2. Water pressure - underground (ELI+)
3. Melting and boiling - the influence of pressure (ELI+)
Principles in Geology | What happened when?: sorting out sequences using stratigraphical concepts Teaching video |
Producers/consumers | Who ate the ammonite? Extension |
P-waves |
1. Waves in the Earth 1 - the slinky simulation (ELI+) Teaching video
2. Waves in the Earth 2 - Human molecules (ELI+) Teaching video
3. Merry waves - all year round (ELI+) |
Q |
Quarry |
1. Quarry through the window - what would you see, what would you not see?
2. Fieldwork: Questions for any rock face 12 - potential of the quarry or cutting Teaching video
3. Fieldwork: Questions for any rock face 13 - quarry economics Teaching video
Quartz crystals - formation | ’Crystallisation’ in a pudding dish Teaching video |
Quicklime | Make a mini lime kiln; discover limelight |
Quicksands | Danger - quicksands! |
R |
Radial dykes, volcanic intrusion | Volcanoes and radial dykes (ELI+) |
Radiation - water cycle | Cycling water and heat in the lab - and the globe (ELI+) |
Radiometric dating |
1. Working out the age of the Earth - moving backwards as time moved forwards
2. Radioactive dating Video
Rare Earth Elements | Essential minerals - rare earth elements |
Recording geological data | Fieldwork - Questions for any rock face 14: recording Teaching video |
Recycling |
1. Mineral expert 4 - Recycle your mobile phone
2. New or recycled paper? - the card game
Relative dating |
1. Working out the age of the Earth - moving backwards as time moved forwards
2. Modelling by hand ‘when the youngest rock is not on top’ |
Remanent magnetism |
1. Frozen magnetism (ELI+) Teaching video
2. Human magnets! (ELI+)
3. Magnetic stripes (ELI+) Teaching video
4. Hands on magnetic stripes (ELI+)
5. Did the continents move for you? (ELI+) Video Extension
Remote sensing |
1. Electrical ground probing
2. Modelling remote sensing geophysics (ELI+)
Renewable power sources - geothermal? | Rock power: geothermal power simulations (ELI+) |
Resistivity | Electrical ground probing |
Ridge (sloping) and valley | Geological mapwork from models 4: sloping ridge and valley (ELI+) |
Ripple marks | 1. Sand ripple marks in a washbowl Extension Video 2. Sand ripple marks in a tank Extension Video 3. Fieldwork: Interactive re-creation
4. Picturing puzzle structures
Rivers - erosion, transportation and deposition | 1. Mighty river in a small gutter Extension Teaching video Teaching video (ages 9 to 11 years)
2. Rolling, hopping, floating and invisibly moving along Teaching video
3. Sand ripple marks in a washbowl Extension Video
4. Bucket for a pothole: visualising past processes by calculation (ELI+)
5. Investigating small-scale sedimentary processes AND modelling mighty rivers Teaching video Teaching video (ages 9 to 11 years)
6. From river sediment to stripy rocks
7. LegoTM bricks and sedimentary processes
Roadstones | Roadstone - which rock? |
Rock classification |
1. Rock detective - rocky clues to the past Teaching video (ages 7 to 11 years)
2. From ‘Rock detective’ to ‘Laying out the rock cycle’ Teaching video
Rock collecting | Take it or leave it? - the geoconservation debate |
Rock cycle |
1. Rock cycle through the window Rock cycle song
2. Rock cycle in wax Extension Teaching video Rock cycle song
3. Laying out the rock cycle: product and process Rock cycle song Teaching video
4. From ‘Rock detective’ to ‘Laying out the rock cycle’ Teaching video
5. Rock cycle at your fingertips Teaching video Rock cycle song
6. Not misunderstanding the rock cycle Rock cycle song
7. James Hutton - or ’Mr. Rock Cycle’? (ELI+) Rock cycle song
8. ’Rockery 2’ - rock cycle game Rock cycle song
9. Sand on a sill Rock cycle song
10. Deep rock cycle explained by plate tectonics: lithification
11. Deep rock cycle explained by plate tectonics: deformation and metamorphism Teaching video
Rock density | Eureka! - detecting ore the Archimedes way |
Rock/mineral/fossil/other | 1. Found in the ground (ELI Early years)
Teaching video 2. Sensory treasure hunt (ELI Early years) Teaching video |
Rock types |
1. ’Rockery 1’ - rock game
2. ’Rockery 2’ - rock cycle game Rock cycle song
3. Rock detective - rocky clues to the past Teaching video (ages 7 to 11 years)
4. From ‘Rock detective’ to ‘Laying out the rock cycle’ Teaching video
5. Make your own rock Teaching video
6. Modelling for rocks: what’s hidden inside - and why? Extension Teaching video
7. Space within - the porosity of rocks Extension
8. Testing rocks - 1 bouncing back
9. What was it like to be there - in the rocky world? Teaching video Extension
10. Rock Explorer (ELI Early years) Teaching video
11. Rock builder (ELI Early years) Teaching video
12. Rocky play-park; design your own
13. Rock, rattle and roll Extension - using maps Teaching video Video (Portuguese introduction)
14. When are soft rocks tough, and hard rocks weak?
15. Rock grain cut out
16. Playground continents
17. Rock is a time capsule
18. Picturing igneous rocks 1
19. Picturing igneous rocks 2
20. Picturing metamorphic rocks
S |
Salinity - measurement | Why is the Dead Sea dead? |
Salol - simulate crystallisation in igneous rocks | Why do igneous rocks have different crystal sizes? (ELI+) Teaching video |
Sand grains | 1. Sand on a sill
2. How many sand grains are there in a bucket – or on a beach?
3. ‘A World in a grain of sand’ Teaching video
Sandstone landscapes | Geological postcards 2 - sandstone and limestone Teaching video ‘Global’ postcards extension |
Salt crystal formation | Salt of the Earth Extension |
Salt - extraction | Why is the Dead Sea dead? |
Scientists |
1. Mary Anning - Mother of Palaeontology Teaching video
2a. Darwin’s ’big coral atoll idea’ Video
2b. Darwin’s ‘big soil idea’
3. James Hutton - or ’Mr. Rock Cycle’? (ELI+) Rock cycle song
4. Dating the Earth - Charles Lyell and Mount Etna 1828
5. William Smith - ’The Father of English Geology’ (ELI+) Extension
6. Wegener’s ’Continental drift’ meets Wilson’s ’Plate tectonics’ (ELI+)
7. Marsili model - Exploring current flows through straits
8. Marie Tharp: ‘A woman scientist in a man’s world’ Extension
Scorpions | Scary scorpions |
Sea floor |
1. Magnetic stripes (ELI+) Teaching video
2. Hands on magnetic stripes (ELI+)
3. Transform faults (ELI+) Teaching video Video
4. Continental split - the opening of the Atlantic Ocean Video
5. Measuring the depths of seas and oceans: How is it done?
6. Modelling sea-floor mapping
7. East Pacific traverse
8. Marie Tharp: ‘A woman scientist in a man’s world’ Extension
9. Laser Quest 1 - below the waves
Sea level change |
1. Sea level in a plastic cup
2. Melting ice and sea level change 1 - sea ice melts Teaching video
3. Melting ice and sea level change 2 - ice caps melt Teaching video
4. How will rising sea level affect our coastlines?
5. Walther’s law of sedimentation, part 1 (ELI+)
6. Walther’s law of sedimentation, part 2 (ELI+)
Seasons | 1. Hot or not? 2. Earth on Earth 3. Seasons |
Sediment transportation | 1. Mighty river in a small gutter Extension Teaching video Teaching video (ages 9 to 11 years)
2. Rolling, hopping, floating and invisibly moving along Teaching video
3. Investigating small-scale sedimentary processes AND modelling mighty rivers Teaching video Teaching video (ages 9 to 11 years)
4. From river sediment to stripy rocks
5. LegoTM bricks and sedimentary processes
Sedimentary rocks |
1. ’Rockery 1’ - rock game
2. ’Rockery 2’ - rock cycle game
3. Rock builder (ELI Early years) Teaching video
4. Fieldwork: Questions for any rock face 4: rock group (sedimentary or igneous) Teaching video
5. Fieldwork: Questions for any rock face 5: sedimentary grains Teaching video
6. From river sediment to stripy rocks
7. Rock grain cut out
8. From ‘Rock detective’ to ‘Laying out the rock cycle’ Teaching video
9. Recreating the rocks
10. How do sedimentary beds form?
11. Playground continents
12. Wriggling toes on ancient bedding planes
Sedimentary rocks - building stones resources |
1. Building stones 1 2. Building stones 3 - sedimentary rocks
3. Will my gravestone last? Teaching video
4. Fieldwork: Questions for any rock face 4: rock group (sedimentary or igneous) Teaching video
Sedimentary structures |
1. Cross-bedding and ancient currents Teaching video
2. Cross-bedding and ’way-up’ Teaching video
3. Make your own cross-bedding Teaching video
4. Graded bedding Teaching video
5. Imbrication
6. Load casts Teaching video
7. Mudcracks - cracking the clues
8. Sand ripple marks in a tank Extension Video
9. Sand ripple marks in a washbowl Extension Video
10. Sole marks Teaching video
11. What was it like to be there? – clues in sediment which bring an environment to life
12. Picturing puzzle structures
13. Picturing trace fossils & other strange shapes
Sediments to sedimentary rocks |
1. Make your own rock Teaching video
2. What layers are preserved?
Seismic body waves |
1. Waves in the Earth 1 - the slinky simulation (ELI+) Teaching video
2. Waves in the Earth 2 - Human molecules (ELI+) Teaching video
Seismic body waves (transmission of energy) | Merry waves - all year round (ELI+) |
Seismic evidence for core of Earth | A core activity (ELI+) Teaching video
Seismic waves through the mantle | Bouncing, bending, breaking (ELI+) Teaching video
Sequencing geological events |
1. Fieldwork - questions for any rock face 10: sequencing Teaching video
2. What is the geological history?
3. Fieldwork: the ‘All powerful’ strategy
4. Laying down the principles Teaching video
5. Where shall we drill for oil?
6. Environmental detective
7. Walther’s law of sedimentation, part 1 (ELI+)
8. Walther’s law of sedimentation, part 2 (ELI+)
Shale gas |
1. Recipe for the perfect fracking fluid
2. Which power source? - solving the crisis in Kiama (ELI+) Extension
Shear (see also Stresses in the Earth) |
1. Modelling Earth stresses with your hands
2. Squeezed out of shape Teaching video
3. Deformed trilobites Video
Shells - adaptations to habitats Shells - survival of the toughest | Sea shell survival Teaching video Shell shake - survival of the toughest Video
Silicates | Building silicates (crystal size in magma & recrystallisation in solid rocks) |
Sills on geological maps | Opengeoscience 1 (ELI+) |
Sink holes | Sink hole! |
Slab pull - plate movement |
1. What drives the plates? Teaching video
2. What drives the plates? The evidence Teaching video
3. What drives the plates? In slab pull, what is it that pulls? Teaching video
4. What drives the plates? Modelling slab pull Video
Slopes | 1. Sandcastles and slopes Teaching video
2. Landslide through the window - what would you see, what would you feel? Extension Video
3. Failing slopes
Teaching video
4. Danger - quicksands!
5. Dam burst danger |
Smelting of iron ore | Smelter on a stick (ELI+) |
Smith, William - 1815 geological map | William Smith - ’The Father of English Geology’ (ELI+) Extension |
Soils |
1. Make your own soil Teaching video
2. Soil water shake test Teaching video
3. Soil layers puzzle
4. Soil doughnuts Teaching video
5. Permeability of soils - ’The great soil race’ Teaching video Extension
6. Darwin’s ’big soil idea’ Video
7. Questions for any rock face 3: soil Teaching video
8. Why does soil get washed away? Extension Video Teaching video (ages 7 to 11 years)
9. Is there life in this soil sample?
10. Where on Earth is no soil found?
Soil water pH | Watery world of underground chemistry (ELI+) Teaching video
Solar radiation |
1. Hot or not?
2. Earth on Earth
3. Milankovitch cycles - by hand
Solar system | Playground planets Extension |
Solar power source |
1. Harnessing the power of the Sun
2. Which power source? - solving the crisis in Kiama (ELI+) Extension |
Sole marks | 1. Sedimentary structures - sole marks Teaching video
2. What was it like to be there? – clues in sediment which bring an environment to life
3. Picturing puzzle structures
Solifluction | Evidence from the deep freeze - under or near the ice sheets |
Solstice | 1. Hot or not 2. Earth on Earth 3. Seasons: the effect of our tilted Earth |
Space - survival in a sealed dome | Space survival: how could we survive a year in a dome? |
Spin of the Earth | Screaming roller coaster |
Springs |
1. From rain to spring: water from the ground Extension Video
2. Limestone springs
Stratigraphy - sequencing events |
1. Laying down the principles Teaching video
2. What happened when?: sorting out sequences using stratigraphical concepts Teaching video
3. What is the geological history? Extension
4. Walther’s law of sedimentation, part 1 (ELI+)
5. Walther’s law of sedimentation, part 2 (ELI+)
Streak test for minerals | Mineral expert - 2 Teaching video |
Strength of rocks | Testing rocks - 1 bouncing back |
Stresses in the Earth |
1. Himalayas in 30 seconds! Extension Teaching video Video
2. Valley in 30 seconds!
Teaching video 1
Teaching video 2
3. Banana benders Video
4. Modelling Earth stresses with your hands
5. Faults in a MarsTM Bar
6. Squeezed out of shape Teaching video
7. Deformed trilobites Video
Strike | DIY Dip and strike model (ELI+) |
Structure of the Earth |
1. From clay balls to the structure of the Earth (ELI+) Extension Teaching video
2. Isostasy 1 (ELI+) Teaching video
3. Effect of Earth’s core on earthquake waves
Structures - geological see also ‘Folds’ and ‘Faults’ |
Banana benders Video
Mapping “structures” on the playing field
Subduction zone | Plate tectonics through the window Teaching video Video (Oxford Sparks) |
Subsidence | Sink hole! |
Sun - radiation and position | 1. Hot or not? 2. Earth on Earth |
Sun - relative size and distances to the planets | Playground planets Extension |
Supercontinents | Continental jigsaw puzzle (ELI+) Teaching video
Survival in a sealed dome - considering the impact of Earth’s cycles | Space survival: how could we survive a year in a dome? |
Sustainability |
1. Sustainable development
2. Fishing game - beware of overfishing
S-waves |
1. Waves in the Earth 1 - the slinky simulation (ELI+) Teaching video
2. Waves in the Earth 2 - Human molecules (ELI+) Teaching video
3. Merry waves - all year round (ELI+) |
Syncline - synform |
1. Banana benders Video
2. Swiss roll surgery
3. Right way up or upside down? - modelling anti- and synforms by hand
4. Visualising plunging folds - with your hands and a piece of paper
5. Picturing tectonic structures - folding
6. Folds and faults with puff pastry and chocolate
T |
Tantalum | Essential minerals - tantalum |
Tar sands (power source) | Which power source? - solving the crisis in Kiama (ELI+) Extension |
Temperatures on Earth |
1. Oxygen isotope sweet simulation (ELI+)
2. Interpret Earth temperatures from simulated deep-sea and ice cores (ELI+)
3. Oxygen thermometers (ELI+)
4. Milankovitch cycles - by hand
Tension (see also Stresses in the Earth) |
1. Modelling Earth stresses with your hands
2. Valley in 30 seconds!
Teaching video 1
Teaching video 2
3. Banana benders Video
4. Faults in a MarsTM Bar
5. Squeezed out of shape Teaching video
6. Deformed trilobites Video
Tharp, Marie | Marie Tharp: ‘A woman scientist in a man’s world’ Extension
Tidal energy |
1. Tidal energy
2. Which power source? - solving the crisis in Kiama (ELI+) Extension
Till or boulder clay | Evidence from the deep freeze - under or near the ice sheets |
Time - geological | Geological time (ELI category)
Timeline for age of the Earth | Working out the age of the Earth - moving backwards as time moved forwards |
Tin | Essential minerals - tin |
Tornadoes | Natural hazards in your area? |
Trace fossils |
1. Trace fossils - burrows or borings Teaching video
2. Picturing trace fossils
Transform faults | 1. Transform faults (ELI+) Teaching video Video
2. MarsTM margins - diverged, converged and transformed Video
Transportation by water |
1. Rolling, hopping, floating and invisibly moving along Teaching video
2. Mighty river in a small gutter Extension Teaching video Teaching video (ages 9 to 11 years)
3. Changing coastlines
4. Investigating small-scale sedimentary processes AND modelling mighty rivers Teaching video Teaching video (ages 9 to 11 years)
5. LegoTM bricks and sedimentary processes
Transportation by wind | Dust bowl Extension |
Trees (‘net zero’ emissions targets) | Let’s plant some trees |
Trophic levels | Who ate the ammonite? Extension |
Tsunami | 1. Tsunami through the window - what would you see, what would you feel? Extension Pupils’ work from Portugal Booklet Boxing Day, 2004
2. Tsunami - what controls the speed of the wave? Teaching video Extension
3. Tsunami alert!
4. Krakatoa - tsunamis
5. Natural hazards in your area?
6. Making waves: a storm in a teacup?
Tungsten | Essential minerals - tungsten |
Turbidity current - density current | 1. High flow, low flow? - atmosphere and ocean in a tank Extension Teaching video
2. Atmosphere and ocean in a lunchbox
Turbidity current - sedimentary structures | 1. Sedimentary structures - graded bedding Teaching video
2. Sedimentary structures - sole marks Teaching video
3. What was it like to be there? – clues in sediment which bring an environment to life
U |
Unconformity |
1. Opengeoscience 2: tilted and folded rocks (ELI+)
2. Filling the gap – picturing the unconformity ‘abyss of time’?
3. Modelling unconformity - by hand
Underground water cycle | Watery world of underground chemistry (ELI+) Teaching video
Underground water - wells | Well, well, well! |
Underground pressure | 1. Under pressure (ELI+) 2. Water pressure - underground (ELI+) |
Uniformitarianism |
1. Fieldwork: Applying ‘the present is the key to the past’ Teaching video
2. Environmental detective
3. View to the future – and the past
4. What colour was the world in the past?
5. What layers are preserved?
6. Wriggling toes on ancient bedding planes
Uranium (power source) | Which power source? - solving the crisis in Kiama (ELI+) Extension |
V |
Valley with horizontal floor | Geological mapwork from models 3: valley with horizontal floor (ELI+) |
Valley with simple geology | Geological mapwork from scratch 2: valley with simple geology (ELI+) |
Valley with sloping ridge | Geological mapwork from models 4: sloping ridge and valley (ELI+) |
Vein minerals | ‘Crystallisation’ in a pudding dish Teaching video |
Viscosity of magma | Bubble-mania |
Visually impaired students |
1.Block models in mapwork for students with VI
2. Modifying resources for students with VI
3. Modifying geological materials for students with VI
Volcanic eruption |
1. Volcano in the lab (ELI+) Extension Teaching video
2. Blow up your own volcano! Extension Teaching video Video Teaching video (ages 7 to 11 years)
3. Best classroom eruption? Extension Teaching video
4. Krakatoa - tsunamis
5. Natural hazards in your area?
6. Catastrophic natural processes
Volcanic eruption - magma viscosity | Bubble-mania
Volcano Simulator (Alaska Museum of Science & Nature)
Volcanic eruption - pyroclastic flow | 1. High flow, low flow? - atmosphere and ocean in a tank Extension Teaching video
2. Atmosphere and ocean in a lunchbox
Volcanic eruption - simulating dangerous swelling of a volcano | When will it blow? - predicting eruptions Extension Teaching video Video |
Volcanic eruption through the window ’thought experiment’ | Eruption through the window Video Volcano Simulator (Alaska Museum of Science & Nature) |
Volcanic eruptions - partial melting |
1. Partial melting - simple process, huge global impact (ELI+) Extension
2. Partial melting model and real rock (ELI+)
Volcanic eruptions - prediction | 1. Party time for volcanoes (ELI+) Extension Extension Teaching video
2. Take a ’Chance’ on the volcano erupting (ELI+) Extension Extension Teaching video |
Volcanic Explosivity Index (VEI) | Krakatoa - tsunamis |
Volcanic intrusion - radial dykes | Volcanoes and radial dykes (ELI+) |
Volcanic vents on geological maps | Opengeoscience 1 (ELI+) |
Volcano collapse | Collapsing volcanoes |
Volcanoes, lava flows - simulations | See how they run Teaching video |
Volcanoes and earthquakes - plate tectonics | Geobattleships (ELI+) Teaching video
W |
Waning Moon | 1. Jaffa moon 2. Lollipop moon 3. Polystyrene moon |
Walther’s law |
1. Walther’s law of sedimentation, part 1 (ELI+)
2. Walther’s law of sedimentation, part 2 (ELI+)
Water - comparison between rain water and bottled spring water | Water - a matter of taste or a taste of matter? Extension |
Water - changing state | 1. Water - changing state Teaching video
2. Ice power (ELI+) |
Water cycle | 1. Mini-world water cycle Teaching video Extension 2. Water cycle world Extension 3. ’Tagging’ water molecules(ELI+) 4. Cycling water and heat in the lab - and the globe (ELI+) 5. Watery world Game (ELI Early years) Teaching video
Water cycle underground | Watery world of underground chemistry (ELI+) Teaching video
Water - filtration, purification | ‘Water, water everywhere but not a drop to drink’ |
Water (power source - HEP) |
1. Which power source? - solving the crisis in Kiama (ELI+) Extension
2. Storing water power
Water supply - wells | Well, well, well! |
Water vapour - changing state | Water - changing state Teaching video |
Water vapour in the atmosphere | Earth’s atmosphere - step by step evolution |
Waves - coastal |
1. Changing coastlines
2. Making waves: a storm in a teacup
3. Coastal erosion
Waves - earthquake |
1. Waves in the Earth 1 - the slinky simulation (ELI+) Teaching video
2. Waves in the Earth 2 - Human molecules (ELI+) Teaching video
Waves - power source |
1. Harbessing the power of waves
2. Which power source? - solving the crisis in Kiama (ELI+) Extension
Waxing Moon | 1. Jaffa moon 2. Lollipop moon 3. Polystyrene moon |
Way-up structures |
1. Sedimentary structures - cross-bedding and ancient currents Teaching video
2. Sedimentary structures - cross-bedding and ‘way-up’ Teaching video
3. Make your own cross-bedding Teaching video
4. Sedimentary structures - graded bedding Teaching video
5. Sedimentary structures - imbrication
6. Sedimentary structures - load casts Teaching video
7. Sedimentary structures - sole marks Teaching video
8. Sand ripple marks in a tank Extension Video
9. Sand ripple marks in a washbowl Extension Video
10. Cracking the clues - mudcracks |
Wearing course of roads | Roadstone - which rock? |
Weathering |
1. Weathering - rocks breaking up and breaking down
2. Will my gravestone last? Teaching video
3. Freeze-thaw weathering Teaching video
4. Ice Power (ELI+)
5. Cracking apart (ELI+) Teaching video
6. Weathering limestone - with my own breath! (ELI+) Teaching video
7. Karstic scenery - in 60 seconds
8. Questions for any rock face 1: weathering Teaching video
9. Enhanced weathering Extension
Weathering / erosion - misconceptions | Teacher - ‘What’s the difference between weathering and erosion?’ |
Wegener, Alfred - continental drift - evidence | Wegener’s ‘Continental drift’ meets Wilson’s ‘Plate tectonics’ (ELI+) |
Well - working model | Well, well, well! |
William Smith - 1815 geological map | William Smith - ‘The Father of English Geology’ (ELI+) Extension |
Wilson, J. Tuzo - plate tectonics - evidence | Wegener’s ‘Continental drift’ meets Wilson’s ‘Plate tectonics’ (ELI+) |
Wind - erosion, transportation and deposition | Dust bowl Extension |
Wind (power source) |
1. Farming the wind - through onshore and offshore windfarms
2. Which power source? - solving the crisis in Kiama (ELI+) Extension |